

I have always considered myself a relatively fit Guy. A weekly regimen of getting out of bed and going to the gym before work to hit the weights paying little attention to flexibility. Perhaps in the back of my mind I felt yoga mats and rubber bands were for the Ladies. Well, that is all about to change!

I was recently invited to shoot in a 1000 yard match. It was a first for me. I have been shooting prone for quite a long time and its my preferred discipline, but until the match would consist of squeezing 8 or 10 rounds off, get up, move around and maybe paint the target or reset at another distance and repeat. 

Match day arrived and after scoring the first string, it was our turn and I felt good. (known distance, wind 3-5 R-L holding steady) I set up and started out what would end up being a 25 shot string (unlimited sighters I settled on 5) trying maintain position behind the rifle throughout. After letting the final round for score down range and getting up I felt a slight twinge in my neck :(. No big deal right? Well as the day went on and after scoring, shooting, pulling targets, temps dropping, wind picking up to 10-12 mph it was time for my last string and i was not feeling it. A couple sighters to find my holds and I was off and running, taking a break half way through to stretch. Finally it was over!

Its been a month since the match, a lot of sleepless nights, a few trips to the chiropractor and a bottle or two of Advil later I see the light! Who would of thought how important good conditioning can be to a guy in his 40’s in a sport that consists of laying down and slowly moving a finger. I have realized (kicking and screaming) perhaps its time to lighten the weights and take 15 minutes of gym time to stretch out. Probably keep away from shoulder shrugs for a spell!! Mobility and conditioning will be new thing for me but to continue in my favorite hobby, past time, sport what ever you want to call it, it is a necessity not an option.Im hoping as i’m sure we all are, to keep doing what we love for years to come! Happy shooting and God Bless!

Pete Myers